Monday, March 07, 2005

Authoritative Communities

This post on Christdot has got my brain turning. I'm not sure what to do with it yet. But this concept of authoritative communities; multi-generational, intentional gatherings cannot be ignored. I have been a youth pastor, either paid or volunteer for the better of 12 years now and ministry has always been about identifying groups, youth, 20-somethings, young marrieds, seniors, and ministering to and in those groups. The logic to support this is obvious. Or so it seemed. Now, it feels like we have been wrong all this time and possibly robbing our communities of life changing relationships simply because of a demographic.

Much more work and thought to be done...


Grant said...

Nice review. As a recovering seminarian (an SBC one at that - pray for me), I particularly like the part about - it must be nice to live in a world that is completely black and white.

Ahh, the joys of the ivory tower of education.

Yet my encouragment to all is this - when you seek to engage and infiltrate the culture, it's normally not the lost people who fire shots across your bow. They normally appreciate the gesture!

keep writing!

Grant said...

Nice review. As a recovering seminarian (an SBC one at that - pray for me), I particularly like the part about - it must be nice to live in a world that is completely black and white.

Ahh, the joys of the ivory tower of education.

Yet my encouragment to all is this - when you seek to engage and infiltrate the culture, it's normally not the lost people who fire shots across your bow. They normally appreciate the gesture!

keep writing!