Saturday, January 07, 2006


I have gotten rid of my haloscan comments. Any comment older than four months was being held hostage by haloscan. Older comments get archived and are released from the archives only when you upgrade to a premium membership. For those of you who been gracious enough to comment here I still have acces to your thoughts but the rest of the world does not. Sorry about that!!! I'm done screwing with the template. So please feel free to comment without the fear that your thoughts will lost again.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Love that fun picture of you in the profile box!

And whatever you tinkered around with fixed a problem I'd been having reading your blog. There would always be a "blank band" through your posts... the words seemingly hidden. I'd refresh and the band would move to a new spot, so in time I could read the whole post. But that seems all fixed now.

Look forward to much more here, and am so encouraged/thankful for your description of the Lord's presence more tangible in your life.

Blessings :)